Plant-Based Diet 101

We get it, transitioning to a plant-based diet can appear intimidating. 

The truth is that there is a trick that makes eating a plant-based diet or a flexitarian style  not difficult at all - the trick is planning. All of us are different and a diet that is 100% vegan may not be feasible for all, however the more plant foods we include in our diet, including legumes, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, the the more we have to gain.

Start gradually, don't go overboard!

Transitioning to a 100% plant-based diet might be too big of a transformation to accomplish overnight. Instead of going all in from the beginning, here are 3 tricks to get you started:

  1. swap the ratio of plant to animal-based foods on your plate. This will give your mind and body time to accommodate yourself to the new diet. 

  2. increase consumption of whichever fruits and vegetables that you love or already have at home. 

  3. add an extra serving of vegetables to your daily plate or add fruit to your breakfast and smoothies. What you want to be doing is filling your plate with plant-based foods while reducing the frequency or quantity of meat you’re eating. 

Here are some more ideas to help get you started:

  • Start by eliminating two animal-based foods and replacing them with a healthier alternative. On your next taco night, swap the ground beef for some sautéed tempeh.

  • Start with meals you have always enjoyed that just happen to be plant-based, such as oatmeal, pasta primavera, veggie stir-fry, bean and rice burrito, or lentil stew.

  • Pick a few plant-based meals and rotate them through a week. For example, legumes and include beans (all kinds), peas, peanuts, lentils, soybeans and other soy-based foods (like tofu or tempeh). These not only provide protein but are stellar sources of fibre, too. 

  • Try a few new plant-based foods every week. Perhaps a new grain or legume you have never had before. Try new fruits and vegetables that you don’t eat regularly.

  • Swap conventional processed or meat-based foods such as pizza, pasta, nuggets and sodas for plant-based alternatives. Instead of ordering a pizza, try making one at home with veggies, cashew sauce, and some plant-based cheese. Instead of drinking soda, try drinking infused water (water with slices of natural cucumber, lemons, coriander, maybe even chia seeds!).

With these gradual changes, you will ultimately find that you’ve replaced your old eating habits with new and healthier ones.

A plant-based diet does not have to be heavy on your pockets!

Although people may think otherwise, eating plant-based is cheaper than an omnivorous diet. Stock up on a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains (like brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, and whole wheat sprouted and sourdough bread) and pulses (like chickpeas, lentils, black beans and organic soybeans). Take time to explore vegetarian and fresh produce aisles at your supermarket. 

Plan your daily meals earlier

Planning your meals and pre-cooking will make your transition and diet easier. It’s best to do meal prep during the days that you are less busy and cook whatever will keep fresh the best in advance, including pulses, vegetables and whole grains. 

And don’t stress making extraordinary meals. You’d be amazed how tasty a salad bowl with a mix of veggies, pulses, and grains can be!

Swap animal products for plant-based

There are lots of healthy and unprocessed replacements for animal products, for example:

Cow’s milk → plant-based milk such as oat, almond or soy milk 

Eggs → tofu 

Salad dressings → Seeds and nut butter (tahini, cashews, etc.)

Poultry → pulses, organic tofu or tempeh

Cheese → cashew cheese

What are your health requirements?

Understanding how to make your food taste great while still being healthy and wholesome is extremely important. It's OK to once in a while indulge in processed packaged foods but it's best to stick to whole, intact foods as much as possible. Other than that, educate yourself on nutrition and ways to prepare different ingredients. An easy way to do this is to download the Your Beet app, getting recommendations on what recipes are matching your nutrition needs  and your health goals- and they taste delicious as well! 

Keep your meals fun and exciting

Settle on a few plant-based recipes to get you into a new routine. There can be a learning curve when switching to a new cooking style, but all you need is a few new go-to recipes. Focus on foods you like and the ones that are easily accessible to you. If you aren't skilled in the kitchen, stick to easier recipes. Next, learn new ways to make those simple recipes more fun and appetizing. Here are ten healthy snack recipes anyone can cook. Also, don't restrain yourself from occasional delicacies. If you're craving dessert, treat yourself to plant-based desserts. In addition, follow plant-based social media bloggers and influencers to stay inspired and motivated!

Download the Your Beet app to start off your TASTY and EASY plant-based journey!


Why shift to a plant-based diet? Planet edition!


Too broke for a plant-based lifestyle?