Plant-Based Eating Habits: How to Get Started and Stick with It 

Making the switch to a plant-based diet might seem like a daunting task. But, while it can be difficult to break old habits, forming new ones doesn’t have to be. With just a few simple steps, you can learn how to form new plant-based eating habits for yourself that are easy to stick with and beneficial for your health.

1. Start Small 

It’s important not to overwhelm yourself when trying to make a major change in your life such as switching up your diet. Start small by making one or two changes at a time and slowly build from there. For example, if you currently eat meat three times a day, start by cutting it out of just one meal per day and replacing it with something plant-based instead. You don’t have to give up all animal products overnight; take baby steps if that works better for you.

With Your Beet, you start with just 1-2 plant-based meals a week - and planning those doesn’t take any time.

2. Educate Yourself 

Learning about why it’s beneficial to switch up your diet is an important step in actually sticking with it long term. When you understand the science behind why plant-based eating is healthier than consuming animal products, it becomes easier to make the switch because you know why it matters and what kind of impact it will have on your body and lifestyle in the long run .

3. Meal Plan Ahead of Time 

Meal planning is essential when making any big dietary change since grocery shopping becomes more complicated when trying new recipes or adding more variety into your meals. Planning ahead saves you from feeling overwhelmed when looking at restaurant menus or grocery store shelves, as well as helps prevent impulse purchases or overeating due to hunger pangs after spending too much time grocery shopping without having dinner ready yet!  

If you’re using Your Beet, you can create healthy plant-based meal plans in minutes based on personalised recommendations.

Plant-based eating isn’t an all-or-nothing deal; even small changes can make an impact on your health and lifestyle over time! By starting small and educating yourself about why this lifestyle change matters, you can develop sustainable plant-based eating habits that make sense for both your schedule and budget. With some dedication and effort, these changes will become second nature before you know it!

Get free lifetime access – download Your Beet today

Try Your Beet today. We’re offering the first 10,000 users a free lifetime access to the app. Enjoying a vegan lifestyle has never been easier and more delicious.

Go and download the app on the App store or Google Play.


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