Plant-Based Meat Alternatives: What You Need to Know 

Plant-based meat alternatives have skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, and it’s easy to see why. Not only are they healthier than their animal-based counterparts, but they are also more environmentally friendly and more ethical. But with so many different plant-based meat alternatives on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. Let’s break down the different types of plant-based meat alternatives and how to choose one that fits your lifestyle. 

Beyond Meat vs. Impossible Foods 

The two most popular plant-based meat alternatives are Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. These two companies have become well-known for their realistic, “meaty” taste that appeals to both vegetarians and carnivores alike. Beyond Meat's products are made from pea protein, while Impossible Foods uses heme—a molecule derived from soy leghemoglobin—to give its products a bloodier texture and flavour that resembles real beef. 

There is a wide variety of options other than these brands when it comes to plant-based meat substitutes, although which products are available can depend on the location. Plant-based meat substitutes provide plant proteins that are tailored to mimic the texture and flavour of real meats, making them an excellent choice for vegan diets.  Furthermore, there is something for everyone - some brands offer vegan alternatives for beef, chicken, pork, lamb, poultry, fish and shellfish.

Tofu vs. Tempeh 

For those who prefer something a bit less processed, tofu and tempeh are great options. Tofu is made from soybean curds that have been pressed into a block shape; this makes it an excellent source of vegan protein as well as calcium. Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans that have been formed into a patty; like tofu, it is also high in protein and calcium, making it an ideal alternative for vegans looking for an animal-free source of these essential nutrients. 

Seitan vs. Jackfruit 

Seitan is made from wheat gluten that has been processed into a doughy consistency; this means that it contains no animal products whatsoever (it’s 100% vegan). Seitan is incredibly versatile—it can be used as an alternative to chicken in stir fry dishes or ground up for use in vegan burgers or tacos—and has a chewy texture similar to steak or pork chops when cooked correctly.

Jackfruit is also becoming increasingly popular among vegans because of its mild taste and ability to take on whatever flavours you cook it with (much like tofu). It can be used as an alternative to shredded pork or chicken in sandwiches or burritos, making it the perfect option for those who don’t want to sacrifice flavour when transitioning to a plant-based diet!  

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Plant-Based Eating Habits: How to Get Started and Stick with It 


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